Hanzestrohm is a group of companies offering specialist products and services from a technical brand portfolio. The Hanzestrohm companies have in-depth know-how in the fields of building solutions, industrial solutions and infrastructure solutions. As an independent family business founded in 1951, Hanzestrohm, with approximately 140 employees, serves customers from Zwolle (head office), Alphen aan den Rijn and Zwijndrecht.
Our mission statement
Hanzestrohm is a unique, progressive and proud company where people make the difference. In our organisation, we are continuously developing ourselves and the business and investing in people, distinctiveness, growth and innovation. This is our aim today and in the future as a ‘powerhouse of brands’ that offers solutions that seamlessly meet the needs of our customers. We also have our own knowledge and training centre, and are committed to investing in young companies and providing them with business support.
Core values
Our aim is to add value economically, socially and ecologically. We achieve this together with our 140 employees, of whom we are extremely proud. This pride is reflected by the fact that since September 2017 we can call ourselves Best Employer in the Netherlands 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 – the badge of quality from Effectory and Intermediair. In addition, sustainable employability, vitality and the development of our employees are key priorities.
We work on the basis of the following core values:

Pleasure We have fun together and are energised by our work

Trust We are open and honest with each other

Results We aim for the best results together

Customers We strive to make customers happy by surprising them in a positive way

Innovation We are curious, develop our knowledge and discover innovative processes, products and services

Involvement We sincerely focus on each other and our environment

Personal development We challenge ourselves to keep learning throughout our lives
On 18 June 1951, the company now known as Hanzestrohm was founded under the name G.J. Hemmink Elektro Agenturen in Zwolle. The first branch was the German company Pflitsch GmbH from Hückeswagen, with whom we still do business today.
Over the years, the family business has grown into a group of companies as a result of organic growth and several acquisitions. Because of this growth, a group structure has been created. We decided to introduce an umbrella name for the group to show that it encompasses more than just Hemmink and strengthens the companies’ cohesion.
The name Hanzestrohm
On the one hand, the name Hanzestrohm refers to our trading spirit and our connection with the Zwolle region. In the Middle Ages, the Hanseatic League was an international commercial alliance of northern European traders and cities, of which the city of Zwolle was also a part.
On the other hand, the second part of the name – strohm – stands for connection, movement and growth. Ohm is also a nod to electrical engineering: Ohm’s Law of physics establishes a relationship between voltage, resistance and current.